Monday, November 4, 2019

自2020年起,有不少在今年裏新修的房地產相關法令,開始生效。除了新聞媒體報導頻率比較高的 1482 rent control 法案,還有一些與 HOA相關的新法或修法,可能對不少人的生活環境產生影響,例如以下三個法案:AB 670, SB 652, SB 234。

根據新通過的 AB 670 法案,HOA不得「不合理地」限制社區內的single family home ,在自家建地上合法增建ADU。

SB 652 規定,HOA不得禁止住戶在門口擺放宗教性的物品,只要物品的大小不超過 36 x12 英吋,不妨礙關門、不淫穢猥褻、也不影響公共安全。

SB 234 規定,在有 HOA  規範的社區裏,可以設立足以容納14名兒童的 daycare homes 。這個法案的立法目的是,讓孩童能在居家附近就能就近得到照顧。

AB 670 makes unlawful any HOA condition that "prohibits or unreasonably restricts" the construction of ADUs on single-family residential lots.

SB 652 prohibits HOAs from banning religious items on entry doors or door frames, as long as the items do not exceed 36 by 12 inches, do not interfere with the door closing, and are not obscene or threatening public safety.

SB 234 permits large daycare homes, which provide care for up to 14 children at one time, to operate within HOA communities regardless of contrary language in their CCRs.

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